If you are making enough and living the life you want, you can relax and enjoy it
Most popular ideas on generating income and creating wealth tells you to budget and save or invest in stocks or real estate or take from others (fraud, stealing, drugs etc)
I'm not opposed to any of these methods but none of them is fulfilling
To change your life rapidly, you have to work extra hard and a lot of overtime
How much work or income does it take to live a successful life? Is it a million a month or more? Is it one holding one job or two?
The solution is to get out there and meet people and solve their problems. People will in turn reward you with money for your efforts. That's how people make money legitimately.
Stop stealing from others as it leads you to nowhere, you might think you've won but that's temporary as you have lost a lot in the process. The price you pay for taking from others is far more than the gains
Honor and integrity are priceless as it opens a lot of doors that you sometimes do not deserve.
You can decide to be dishonest, stingy, uncharitable, egotistical, but these are all the things people don’t like in other people. They are all choices that leads you nowhere
3 Things you need to be successful
Integrity, Intelligence and Energy
Intelligence and energy you were born with. Integrity is up to you. You aren’t born with it, you can’t learn it in school. If you don't have integrity you might as well forget about becoming successful in life
Most of us attempt to skirt around problems rather than meet them head on. We attempt to get out of them rather than suffer through them.
However the suffering from avoiding reality is more painful than reality itself.
Avoiding problems avoids the opportunity to grow. Most of the time problems don’t go away, rather they grow
You steal other people's life or money or resources means you will never know how to get out there to get one
How to solve problems?
Discipline is what you need for solving problems
Four Tools of Discipline
Easy to learn and yet hard to employ. These are the tools to confront problems and thus pain.
1. Delaying Gratification - don't eat tomorrow's income today, invest in yourself. Don't start looking good before you win
2. Accepting Responsibility - don't pass the blame, what did you or did you not do to create the problem. Accepting responsibility forces you to provide solutions to problems thereby developing your problem solving skills
3. Dedication to Reality - don't live in denial, what you sow is what you reap. The only way to live a better life or future is by creating it. No voodoo or witchcraft can help you and stop expecting handouts from relatives and friends.
4. Balancing - be flexible, if you try something and it's not working, don't give up, try another method. Don't let pride and envy get in your way. Learn from your mistakes and other people 's experience
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